Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Acid Reflux Disease Linked to Obesity

New Study May Explain Known Connection Between Obesity And Esophageal Cancer

According to a new article in The American Journal of Gastroenterology, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GRD), more commonly known as, acid reflux, is linked to obesity. Since (GRD) is strongly associated with more serious conditions, such as esophageal ulcers and cancer, weight reduction therapy may be useful in treatment and prevention of these conditions.

“The condition is very common, but previous studies have not been successful at pinpointing risk factors for the condition,” says Douglas Corley, author of the study. “Because we reviewed the results of 20 studies on the subject, we were able to better identify and understand the association between obesity and acid reflux.”

In a nation becoming increasingly aware of the dangers of obesity, this new finding provides yet another reason to discuss weight management with a physician. “We know that an increase in body weight increases the chance of having heartburn and acid reflux, which can increase the risk of esophageal ulcers and cancer,” says Corley. “While we can’t say at this time that weight loss therapy is definitely the solution to this condition, it certainly warrants further research as a treatment.”

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