Saturday, October 6, 2012

Jon's Health Report

This is good news for me:

Can you bite into an apple? If so, you are more likely to maintain mental abilities, according to new research.

Aspirin May Slow Brain Decline

An apple a day might keep the cardiologist away

In a study of healthy, middle-aged adults, consumption of one apple a day for four weeks lowered by 40 percent blood levels of a substance linked to hardening of the arteries.

Moderate alcohol intake and cancer: the role of under-reporting

A large US cohort study in 129,987 persons suggests that the apparent increased risk of cancer among light-moderate drinkers is substantially due to underreporting of intake.

Reduced glaucoma risk in patients who take statins

Omega-3 Supplements May Slow A Biological Effect of Aging

Exercise Does a Body – and a Mind – Good

Diet high in total antioxidants associated with lower risk of heart attack

Geneticists verify cholesterol-cancer link

University of Rochester Medical Center scientists discovered new genetic evidence linking cholesterol and cancer, raising the possibility that cholesterol medications could be useful in the future for cancer prevention or to augment existing cancer treatment.

The data, published in the online journal Cell Reports, support several recent population-based studies that suggest individuals who take cholesterol-lowering drugs may have a reduced risk of cancer, and, conversely that individuals with the highest levels of cholesterol seem to have an elevated risk of cancer.

Exercise May Protect Against Future Emotional Stress

A healthy outlook leads to a healthy lifestyle

Literary reading provides "a truly valuable exercise of people's brains."

This isn't good news for me (I've started drinking lots of coffee for the many benefits - and eat too much fish)

Caffeinated Coffee Linked to Vision Loss

Heavy caffeinated coffee consumption is associated with an increased risk of developing exfoliation glaucoma, the leading cause of secondary glaucoma worldwide.

Eating fish may reduce the risk of heart attack, but watch out for mercury

This is no help for me now (but I will try to eat more cherries and watermelon and may go back to eating lots of yogurt - last one - no thanks!):

Milk consumption has been linked to improved health, with decreased risks of diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and colon cancer.

Watermelon Can Improve Heart Health While Controlling Weight Gain

Eating Cherries Lowers Risk Of Gout Attacks By 35%

Yogurt Fights High Blood Pressure

Eunuchs outlive other men

I have no idea if this affects me:


About 40 percent of elderly Americans and as many as two billion people around the world have diets that are deficient in this important, but often underappreciated micronutrient, experts say.

I'm OK here:

Gum Disease Bacteria Linked To Pancreatic Cancer Risk

Vitamin D deficiency increases risk of heart disease

Low levels of vitamin D are associated with mortality in older adults

Not going to cut back if I can avoid it:

A moderate dose of exercise induced a markedly greater weight loss, than a higher dose.

Previous (fascinating) reports

September 13

August 10

June 26

June 2

May 18

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