Monday, October 22, 2012

Jon's Health News - Latest Research

The Perfect Cartoon For This Report:

Especially worrisome news ( I see no way to avoid extensive sitting in my work and home life) but every time I read or remember about this I get up and walk around some:

Sitting for protracted periods increases risk of diabetes, heart disease and death

According to the study, those who sit for long periods have a two fold increase in their risk of diabetes, heart disease and death. Importantly, associations were independent of the amount of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity undertaken, suggesting that even if an individual meets typical physical activity guidelines, their health may still be compromised if they sit for long periods of time throughout the day.

Good news:

Green Tea Fights Prostate Cancer

While this research showed an association between green tea and prostate cancer, it did not prove a cause-and-effect link.

"Actually, several food agents have been under investigation for their protective impact," she noted. "Lycopene and omega-3 fatty acids, for example. So, I would say that if you have cancer and you want to make a decision about all of this, then think of incorporating all of those as a part of a lifestyle change. I know that if I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, I would try to change my lifestyle. And that would mean, in addition to eating lots of fruits and vegetables and trying to lose weight and exercising, that I would definitely drink green tea."

Antioxidants in Tea, Fruit, Veggies Might Fight Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer patients who, before their diagnosis, routinely consumed hefty helpings of the flavonoid compounds found in plant-based foods and drinks may be at lower risk for the most aggressive form of the disease, new research suggests.

Flavonoids are found in vegetables and fruits, as well as in tea, wine, juices and cocoa. Researchers have long theorized that these particular antioxidants may help reduce cancer risk by fighting inflammation, oxidation, cell death and tumor cell growth.

Healthy diets have long-lasting positive effects

Exercise Could Fortify Immune System Against Future Cancers

Researchers may soon be able to add yet another item to the list of exercise's well-documented health benefits: A preliminary study suggests that when cancer survivors exercise for several weeks after they finish chemotherapy, their immune systems remodel themselves to become more effective, potentially fending off future incidents of cancer. The finding may help explain why exercise can significantly reduce the chances of secondary cancers in survivors or reduce the chances of cancer altogether in people who have never had the disease.

Fast walking and jogging halve development of heart disease and stroke risk factors

The findings indicate that it is the intensity, rather than the duration, of exercise that counts i

Caffeine may block inflammation linked to mild cognitive impairment

Recent studies have linked caffeine consumption to a reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease, and a new University of Illinois study may be able to explain how this happens.

"We have discovered a novel signal that activates the brain-based inflammation associated with neurodegenerative diseases, and caffeine appears to block its activity.

Eating Tomatoes Lowers the Risk of Stroke

Sort of good news, although 7 portions a day is a real challenge:

Adhering to lifestyle guidelines reduced mortality in cancer survivors

Achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight, staying physically active and maintaining a healthy diet improved survival after cancer diagnosis.

Plant-Based Diets Can Remedy Chronic Diseases

Eat seven portions of fruit and vegetables for happiness and mental health

Happiness and mental health are highest among people who eat seven portions of fruit and vegetables a day, according to a new report.

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Red meat increases risk for bladder cancer

Multivitamin use among middle-aged, older men results in modest reduction in cancer

No Benefit from Routine Health Checks

Carrying out general health checks does not reduce deaths overall or from serious diseases like cancer and heart disease.

Eating lots of carbs, sugar may raise risk of cognitive impairment

People 70 and older who eat food high in carbohydrates have nearly four times the risk of developing mild cognitive impairment, and the danger also rises with a diet heavy in sugar, Mayo Clinic researchers have found. Those who consume a lot of protein and fat relative to carbohydrates are less likely to become cognitively impaired, the study found.

Expanding waistlines may contribute to cancer

Curcumin and chemoprevention

Bachmeier therefore believes that curcumin may be useful in the prevention of breast and prostate cancers -- which are both linked to inflammation -- and in reducing their metastatic potential. "This does not mean that the compound should be seen as a replacement for conventional therapies. However, it could play a positive role in primary prevention -- before a full-blown tumor arises -- or help to avert formation of metastases. In this context the fact that the substance is well tolerated is very important, because one can safely recommend it to individuals who have an increased tumor risk."

A daily intake of up to 8g of curcumin is regarded as safe, and its anti-inflammatory properties have long been exploited in traditional oriental medicine. Men with benign hyperplasia of the prostate (BHP) are one possible target group for prophylaxis, as are women who have a family history of breast cancer. The agent might also be valuable as a supplement to certain cancer therapies. At all events, curcumin's beneficial effects must first be confirmed in controlled clinical tests. Bachmeier is now planning such a trial in patients who suffer from therapy-resistant carcinoma of the prostate.

New link between high-fat 'Western' diet and atherosclerosis identified

A diet high in omega-3 polyunsaturated fat lowers levels of problem enzyme

Aspirin may decrease risk of aggressive form of ovarian cancer

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