Saturday, September 21, 2013

Latest Health Research

I'm glad I've been able to keep off most of the weight I lost (whatever the circumstances) over the last 3 years:

Physical activity/weight loss combined for older, overweight = lower cardiovascular risk

Weight loss has been discouraged among older adults, partly because of health concerns over inadvertent reductions in muscle and bone mass, which is known to accompany overall weight loss. However, new research shows that physical activity and weight loss conducted together for older, overweight and obese adults results in improved body composition, translating into lower cardiovascular disease risk (CVD) and improved mobility.

Mobility Is Key to Healthy Aging

On the other hand, my weight was pretty stable until my recent losses:

Older Adults Live Longer With A Few Extra Pounds – If They Don’t Add More

Some overweight older adults don’t need to lose weight to extend their lives, but they could risk an earlier death if they pack on more pounds.In fact, the nationwide study found that people who were slightly overweight in their 50s but kept their weight relatively stable were the most likely to survive over the next 16 years. They had better survival rates than even normal-weight individuals whose weight increased slightly, but stayed within the normal range.

I'm glad I take vitamin B12

Vitamin B supplements help stave off stroke

I'm big on colonoscopies:

Colonoscopy saves lives

Of the more than 50,000 people expected to die of colorectal cancer in 2013, screening could have saved more than half of them.

Two out of three is pretty good. I'll think about the third more:

Diet, Meditation, Exercise Can Improve Immune Cell Aging

I eat lots of raisins and blueberries (and take Vitamin D):

Red grapes, blueberries may enhance immune function

In an analysis of 446 compounds for their the ability to boost the innate immune system in humans, researchers in the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University discovered just two that stood out from the crowd – the resveratrol found in red grapes and a compound called pterostilbene from blueberries. Both of these compounds, which are called stilbenoids, worked in synergy with vitamin D and had a significant impact in raising the expression of the human cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide, or CAMP gene, that is involved in immune function.

This news improves my mood :

A healthy diet may reduce the risk of depression

A healthy diet characterized by vegetables, fruits, berries, whole-grains, poultry, fish and low-fat cheese was associated with a lower prevalence of depressive symptoms and a lower risk of depression. In addition, increased coffee consumption was associated with a decreased risk of depression.

Adherence to an unhealthy diet characterized by a high consumption of sausages, processed meats, sugar-containing desserts and snacks, sugary drinks, manufactured foods, French rolls and baked or processed potatoes was associated with an increased prevalence of elevated depressive symptoms.

Exercise may benefit people suffering from depression

I'm drinking a little more orange juice after reading this

Orange Juice Can Aid in Cancer Prevention

I get plenty of fish oil , although I'm not doing enough drinking:

Glass of Wine a Day May Ward Off Depression

Fish oil, moderate drinking could help protect from dementia

A Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine study suggests that omega-3 fish oil might help protect against alcohol-related dementia. An earlier analysis by Collins and Loyola colleague Edward J. Neafsey, PhD, which pooled the results of 143 studies, found that moderate social drinking may reduce the risk of dementia and cognitive impairment. (Moderate drinking is defined as a maximum of two drinks per day for men and 1 drink per day for women.) It appears that small amounts of alcohol might, in effect, make brain cells more fit. Alcohol in moderate amounts stresses cells and thus toughens them up to cope with major stresses down the road that could cause dementia. But too much alcohol overwhelms the cells, leading to inflammation and cell death.

I got quite a bit of exercise as a young adult:

Exercise may reduce the risk of epilepsy later in life for men

I guess I should mess around in the dirt more

Better hygiene in wealthy nations may increase Alzheimer’s risk

People living in industrialised countries may be more likely to develop Alzheimer’s due to greatly reduced contact with bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms - which can lead to problems with immune development and increased risk of dementia, suggests a new study. (This really is interesting reading.)

I'm very glad I take a statin, although it is low dose:

Statins may slow human aging

New research in The FASEB Journal suggests that statins protect against DNA shortening by telomerase activation and promote healthy aging free of age-related diseases like heart disease, diabetes and cancer

Not only do statins extend lives by lowering cholesterol levels and reducing the risks of cardiovascular disease, but new research in the September 2013 issue of The FASEB Journalsuggests that they may extend lifespans as well. Specifically, statins may reduce the rate at which telomeres shorten, a key factor in the natural aging process. This opens the door for using statins, or derivatives of statins, as an anti-aging therapy.

"The great thing about statins is that they reduce risks for cardiovascular disease significantly and are generally safe for most people. The bad thing is that statins do have side effects, like muscle injury," said Gerald Weissmann, M.D., Editor-in-Chief of The FASEB Journal. "But if it is confirmed that statins might actually slow aging itself—and not just the symptoms of aging—then statins are much more powerful drugs than we ever thought."

Statins reduce cardiovascular events even in patients with low cholesterol levels

High dose statins prevent dementia

Statins prevent cataracts

Statins lower the rate of cataract by 20 percent, according to research presented at the ESC Congress today by Professor John B. Kostis from New Jersey, USA. The risk of cataract was reduced by 50 percent when treatment was initiated in younger individuals (in their 40s) and the duration of therapy was longer (e.g. up to 14 years).


Statin use tied to cataract development

While the researchers can't prove the drugs caused the eye condition, they found that people who took statins - such as Zocor and Lipitor - were about 27 percent more likely to develop cataracts, compared to people who didn't take the medication.

Don't you love it when studies contradict each other?

I'm going to try to add a little more high intensity work daily:

Higher-intensity activity impacts weight, even in short bouts

For preventing weight gain, the intensity of the activity matters more than duration.The study shows that higher-intensity activity was associated with a lower risk of obesity, whether in "bouts" of fewer or greater than 10 minutes.

This is very good news indeed for me:

Mediterranean diet is good for the mind

Over recent years many pieces of research have identified a link between adherence to a Mediterranean diet and a lower risk of age-related disease such as dementia.

I eat lots of protein:

More protein intake with diet and exercise protects muscle loss

I eat lots of broccoli:

Broccoli Fights Osteoarthritis

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