Saturday, February 8, 2014

Latest Health Research

This is very good news for me:

Physical activity significantly extends lives of cancer survivors

Physical activity significantly extends the lives of male cancer survivors, a new study of 1,021 men has found. During the period while the men were followed, those who expended more than 12,600 calories per week in physical activity were 48 percent less likely to die than those who burned fewer than 2,100 calories per week.

This is good news as well:

More benefits emerging for one type of omega-3 fatty acid: DHA

Supplements of of omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA, appeared to have many unanticipated beneficial effects. There were observable changes in vitamin and carbohydrate metabolism, protein and amino acid function, as well as lipid metabolism.

Fish Oil Prevents Loss of Brain Cells

I don’t eat yogurt any more, or take a pro-biotic, but perhaps I should:

Yogurt consumption reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes

New research published in Diabetologia (the journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes) shows that higher consumption of yoghurt, compared with no consumption, can reduce the risk of new-onset type 2 diabetes by 28%.

Cholesterol-lowering potential of certain probiotics

I think I’m doing all the right things already:

People who know their 'heart age' make greater improvements to their heart health

Risk scores for diseases such as CVD are usually presented as the percent chance of contracting the disease within the next ten years. The Heart Age Calculator,, uses the same well established risk factor data, but expresses an individual's risk score as their estimated Heart Age to make it more personally relevant to the individual.

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the world's biggest killer(3), but doctors have long struggled to explain risk factors to patients in a way that encourages them to change their behaviour thus reducing risk. Previous research has shown that Heart Age is more likely to be understood and motivate people to make positive changes than traditional % risk scores, especially those who are at higher levels of modifiable risk.

Lately I've been thinking I should get more sun:
Sun lowers blood pressure

and now this:

Study Finds Dramatic Rise in Skin Cancer among Middle-Aged Adults

Playing soccer in the cold is VERY good for me (and heating problems at home and in the office help as well!):

Shivering and exercise may convert white fat to brown

Exposure to cold temperatures can help boost weight loss

I’m glad I’m on a Mediterranean-style diet:

Mediterranean-style diets most successful in lowering CV disease risk

Mediterranean diet linked with lower risk of heart disease among young US workers

I'm in pretty good shape here:

Heart Disease Risk Linked With Spouses’ Social Support

and here:

Chocolate, tea and berries fight diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and cancer

Blueberry, green tea supplement improves cognitive performance in older adults

Dietary supplement users have a healthier lifestyle

Sedentary behavior and low physical activity linked to heart failure in men

I gave up beta-carotene, A, C and E a long time ago, but still worry about what E may have done to me:

Vitamin E Speeds Up Lung Cancer Progression

Vitamin C and E supplements hampers training

I've been trying to drink more coffee and now this:

Caffeine use disorder: A widespread health problem that needs more attention

Other interesting news:

Consumption of added sugar = increased risk for death from cardiovascular disease

NIH study finds regular aspirin use may reduce ovarian cancer risk

Use of testosterone therapy linked to heart attacks in men under 65

Handwashing, zinc may be best prevention for the common cold

Running may be better than walking for breast cancer survival

Exercise = improved prostate cancer outcomes

Aleve safer for the heart than Advil and Motrin

Older brains slow due to greater experience, rather than cognitive decline

People who enjoy life maintain better physical function as they age

Fitness + Statins Lowers Mortality Risk

Diet Beverages and Body Weight

Overweight and obese adults who drink diet beverages consume significantly more solid-food calories—particularly from snacks—than those who drink sugary beverages. The findings highlight the challenges in using diet beverages to help control weight.

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