Monday, February 24, 2014

Latest Health Research

Many years ago I took a CPR course in order to coach a girl's high school soccer team - kneeling to practice CPR was agony because I had just had knee surgery - but it was a good experience - although it now turns out quite unnecessary, inasmuch as anyone can do it - and should be willing to:

Hands-Only CPR To Save the Life of a Teen or Adult

The image you have in your head of CPR is probably some combination of chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. While both may still be needed for children and infants, breaths are no longer necessary for teenagers and adults. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), hands-only CPR has been shown to be equally as effective for out-of-hospital sudden cardiac arrest.

There is enough oxygen in our blood to keep our organs functioning without doing mouth-to-mouth.

By following the steps below, you can more than double a person’s chances of survival.

If you see a teen or adult suddenly collapse, and they are unconscious:

• Call 911. Have someone else call 911 if you can’t do it yourself.

• Push hard and fast at the center of the chest. Place the heel of one hand on the center of the victim’s chest and put the other hand on top of the first. Then push.

• Keep pushing to the beat of the disco song “Staying Alive” until help arrives. The goal is to push at a rate of at least 100 beats per minute, which is about the same tempo as the song.

I add a little orange juice to my white tea, But I don't know if I should continue doing so:

Citric Juice In Tea: The Good and Bad News

The study found that lemon juice caused a roughly four-fold boost in the recovered levels of catechins; in order, the next most effective juice additions were orange, lime and grapefruit. And one should not be stingy with the juice - while adding 10 percent juice was helpful, the best catechin preservation happened at levels of 20 to 50 percent juice. This suggests that while adding a squeeze of lemon to tea is an excellent idea, it also makes sense to think in terms of 20 to 50 percent blends using orange and grapefruit juices...

Unfortunately, tea also contains high levels of two toxic substances, fluoride and aluminium (aluminum). Studies have shown that little of the aluminium in tea is absorbed by the body because it is bound by catechins (flavonoids) in the tea. Yet, squeezing lemon in tea dramatically increases aluminium absorption, somewhere close to 700 percent, so tea would be better flavoured with mint for example.

The lowest levels of both of these toxins are found in white tea, and the highest levels are in black tea. White tea, because it is harvested earlier than other forms of tea and is minimally processed, has a higher concentration of catechins, quercetin and other nutrients. It also contains far less fluoride and aluminium.

I got up and walked around as soon as I read this, and again as I'm writing this, but really it is extremely discouraging ( I spend far too much time sitting in front of a computer or reading):

New sitting risk: Disability after 60

Regardless of exercise, too much sedentary time is linked to major disability after 60

If you're 60 and older, every additional hour a day you spend sitting is linked to doubling the risk of being disabled -- regardless of how much moderate exercise you get, reports a new Northwestern Medicine® study.

If there are two 65-year-old women, one sedentary for 12 hours a day and another sedentary for 13 hours a day, the second one is 50 percent more likely to be disabled, the study found.

I eat one hard boiled egg a day - I need to eat more spinach: (I like the queue reference!)

Eat spinach or eggs: Tyrosine helps you stop faster, think better and cheer up

Researchers at Leiden University and the University of Amsterdam have carried out the first-ever study to test whether the intake of tyrosine enhances our ability to stop an activity at lightning speed. The findings seem to indicate that this is the case.

The positive effect of tyrosine on our reaction speed can have benefits for road safety. For example, if a queue suddenly forms, fast reflexes can prevent an accident. But there are many more examples.

Tyrosine is found in such foods as spinach, eggs, cottage cheese and soya. Anyone who doesn't eat enough of these foodstuffs produces too little dopamine, which can lead to depression and apathy.

Vitamin D provides relief for those with chronic hives

Loneliness is a major health risk for older adults

Feeling extreme loneliness can increase an older person's chances of premature death by 14 percent. A 2010 meta-analysis showed that loneliness has twice the impact on early death as does obesity. It is not solitude or physical isolation itself, but rather the subjective sense of isolation that is so profoundly disruptive. Older people living alone are not necessary lonely if they remain socially engaged and enjoy the company of those around them.

Moderate exercise cuts women's stroke risk

Citrus wards off your risk of stroke

Eating foods that contain vitamin C may reduce your risk of the most common type of hemorrhagic stroke.Vitamin C is found in fruits and vegetables such as oranges, papaya, peppers, broccoli and strawberries. Hemorrhagic stroke is less common than ischemic stroke, but is more often deadly.

On average, the people who had a stroke had depleted levels of vitamin C, while those who had not had a stroke had normal levels of the vitamin. Vitamin C appears to have other benefits like creating collagen, a protein found in bones, skin and tissues. Vitamin C deficiency has also been linked to heart disease.

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