Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Benefits of White Bean Extract

To date, there is limited research on the potential health benefits of white bean extract. However, some studies suggest that white bean extract may help promote weight loss. For instance, the authors of a research review published in Nutrition Journal in 2011 concluded that one proprietary white bean extract product (Phase 2 Carb Controller) may have the "potential to induce weight loss and reduce spikes in blood sugar caused by carbohydrates."
One of the few clinical trials to test the health effects of white bean extract was published in theInternational Journal of Medical Sciences in 2007. The study involved 60 slightly overweight volunteers whose weight had been essentially stable for at least six months. For 30 days, study participants took either 445 mg of white bean extract or a placebo daily (prior to consuming a meal rich in carbohydrates).
At the end of the 30-day period, researchers found that participants who had taken the white bean extract experienced a significantly greater reduction in body weight, fat mass, and waistline size (compared to members of the placebo group). What's more, white bean extract appeared to help the participants maintain lean body mass.

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