Saturday, October 22, 2016

My Diet

I eat a basically

Mediterranean diet (Health Benefits of a Mediterranean Diet)

with lots! of olive oil and nuts (Health Benefits of Olive Oil and Nuts).

For breakfast:

oats and barley (Health Benefits of Oatmeal and Barley)

with blueberries or strawberries. (Health Benefits of Blueberries and Strawberries)

or one or two eggs (Health Benefits of Eggs)

For lunch:

dark greens (Health Benefits of Leafy Green Vegetables)

with tomatoes and peppers-red, green,orange, yellow(Health Benefits of Tomatoes and Peppers)

and anchovies! -sometimes with a gefilte fish chaser.

My dinners have a base of onions

brocoli, cauliflower,red cabbage (Health Benefits of Cruciferous Vegetables: broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower)

and carrots

with a variety of add-ons including tomato sauce,

a large variety of Goya Beans,peas,and green beans (Health Benefits of beans, peas, chickpeas and lentils)

seafood, brown rice and chicken.

I try to have a glass of red wine or a bottle of beer every evening, (Health Benefits of Moderate Alcohol Consumption)

and dark chocolate for dessert.(Health Benefits of Chocolate)

I also drink a lot of coffee (Health Benefits of Coffee)

and white tea. (Health Benefits of White and Green Tea Consumption)

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