Monday, June 10, 2019

Insights on staying healthy when you're 'eating for two'

Evidence that eating well before pregnancy lowers risk of preeclampsia
While scientists aren't sure what causes the dangerous pregnancy complication preeclampsia, or how to prevent it, a new study suggests diet plays a role. Among more than 20,000 pregnancies, researchers found women who followed a healthier diet before getting pregnant were significantly less likely to develop preeclampsia. Diet quality was assessed based on adherence to the American Heart Association dietary recommendations and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) dietary pattern.

New insights on pregnancy and obesity
Obesity before pregnancy increases the risk of some health problems for a pregnant woman and her baby, but current recommendations to minimize these risks do not differentiate between mild and severe obesity. A new study of more than 25,000 women found those with more severe obesity gained less weight during pregnancy, but had larger babies, than those with less severe obesity. These results suggest the risks and optimal management of obesity during pregnancy may vary depending on severity. This study also found only one in five obese women gained the recommended amount of weight during pregnancy while 60 percent gained excessive weight.

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