Thursday, April 24, 2014

Latest Health Research

I take this for my knees, although the latest research says it does no good for them. But look at what else it does:

Glucosamine promotes longevity, fights cancer

Glucosamine has been freely available in drugstores for many decades. It is widely used to treat arthritis and to prevent joint degeneration. Moreover, glucosamine is known to delay cancer growth. In addition, glucosamine reduces metabolism of nutritive sugars, as was already shown some 50 years ago.

Here's good/bad news

Grandmas stay sharp when they care for grandkids once a week, but 5 times a week worsens cognitive skills

Taking care of grandkids one day a week helps keep grandmothers mentally sharp, finds a study from the Women's Healthy Aging Project study in Australia, published online today in Menopause, the journal of The North American Menopause Society (NAMS). That's good news for women after menopause, when women need to lower their risks of developing Alzheimer's disease and other cognitive disorders.

I should look into this:

Effective Nonsurgical Treatment for Knee Osteoarthritis

A new nonsurgical approach to treating chronic pain and stiffness associated with knee osteoarthritis has demonstrated significant, lasting improvement in knee pain, function, and stiffness. This safe, two-solution treatment delivered in a series of injections into and around the knee joint is called prolotherapy.

I do pretty well on this, although not quite every day:

Daily serving of beans, peas, chickpeas or lentils can significantly reduce bad cholesterol

Weird results for milk and cheese:

Fat-free or low-fat milk delays knee osteoarthritis, cheese makes it worse/strong>

New research reports that women who frequently consume fat-free or low-fat milk may delay the progression of osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. Results published in the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) journal, Arthritis Care & Research, show that women who ate cheese saw an increase in knee OA progression. Yogurt did not impact OA progression in men or women.

More benefits from my daily aspirin regimen:

Aspirin can reduce colorectal cancer risks

Weather has reduced my 3 times a week soccer game to twice a week lately - but I'm looking forward to resuming 3 times a week and adding bike-riding and kayaking as the weather improves:

1. Exercise Keeps Hippocampus Healthy in People at Risk for Alzheimer's

2. Physical activity is beneficial for late-life cognition

Physical activity in midlife seems to protect from dementia in old age, according to a study carried out at the University of Eastern Finland. Those who engaged in physical activity at least twice a week had a lower risk of dementia than those who were less active. The protective effects were particularly strong among overweight individuals. In addition, the results showed that becoming more physically active after midlife may also contribute to lowering dementia risk.

Further staying physically active, or becoming more active, after midlife may also contribute to lowering dementia risk, especially in people who are overweight or obese at midlife. The findings were not explained by socioeconomic background, age, sex, genetic risk factors, obesity, weight loss, general health status or work-related physical activity.

I still eat a few hamburgers and an occasional hot dog. Reviewing these studies does help me fight the urge:

1. Increased risk of colorectal cancer from eating processed meat

Study: Red meat consumption can increase risk for heart disease

A new study from the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington has bolstered the link between red meat consumption and heart disease by finding a strong association between heme iron, found only in meat, and potentially deadly coronary heart disease.

The study found that heme iron consumption increased the risk for coronary heart disease by 57 percent, while no association was found between nonheme iron, which is in plant and other non-meat sources, and coronary heart disease.

The body treats the two kinds of iron differently. It can better control absorption of iron from vegetable sources, including iron supplements, but not so with iron from meat sources.

Iron stores in the body increase over time. The only way to reduce iron in the body is by bleeding, donating blood or menstruation. Some dietary choices, such as coffee and tea, also can inhibit iron absorption.

3. Consuming a high-fat diet is associated with increased risk of breast cancer

I have completed a comprehensive review of research on the health benefits of fiber. It  is divided into the following sections: Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Overall Health.It's certainly eye-opening and well worth a look:

Health Benefits of a Fiber Rich Diet

It works for me:

Internet use among the elderly can reduce the chances of depression by more than 30 percent.

There's still too much added salt in the canned soups and vegetables I eat, as well as a lot of take-out food:

Lower salt intake likely to have had key role in plummeting cardiovascular disease deaths in past decade

I’ve avoided white rice in recent years, but I am now reconsidering:

Eating rice boosts diet quality, reduces body weight and improves markers for health

New research shows that consumers can improve their diets simply by enjoying white or brown rice as part of their daily meals. Adults who eat rice had diets more consistent with what is recommended in the U.S. Dietary Guidelines, and they showed higher amounts of potassium, magnesium, iron, folate and fiber while eating less saturated fat and added sugars

I take Vitamin D3 every day:

Increasing evidence of an association between low vitamin D levels and cognitive decline

More interesting stuff:
Women who take iron supplements experience a marked improvement in their exercise performance

Chips with olestra speed up the removal of toxins in the body

Daily low-dose aspirin may protect against preeclampsia complications

I drink about four cups of white tea a day, except when I forget:

Green tea boosts your working memory

I also drink around 2-3 cups of coffee almost every day:

Caffeine against Alzheimer's disease

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