Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Latest Health News - Diet

Ultra-processed food consumption is associated with chromosomal changes linked to biological ageing

Jonathan Kantrowitz at Health News Report - 3 hours ago
EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF OBESITY Research News SHARE PRINT E-MAIL A new study has shed light on the link between the consumption of ultra-processed foods (UPF) and the shortening of telomeres; sections of chromosomes that can be used as a marker of biological age. The work was conducted by Lucia Alonso-Pedrero and colleagues with the supervision of Professor Maira Bes-Rastrollo and Professor Amelia Marti, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain. The research, being presented at this year's European and International Conference on Obesity (ECOICO 2020), held online t... more »

Evening eating is associated with higher total calorie intake and lower diet quality

Jonathan Kantrowitz at Health News Report - 3 hours ago
AIL A study of nearly 1200 UK adults, being presented at this year's European and International Conference on Obesity (ECOICO 2020), held online this year (1-4 September), suggests that there is a link between eating a larger proportion of one's daily energy intake during the evening, and having a higher total energy intake and lower quality of diet. In recent decades there has been a growing interest in how the timing of our food consumption can influence metabolism and other physiological processes. Sensations of hunger follow a strong daily rhythmic pattern and are often most int... more »

The heart risks and benefits of today's most popular fad diets

Jonathan Kantrowitz at Health News Report - 21 hours ago
Researchers examine claims associated with keto and intermittent fasting MEDIASOURCE SHARE PRINT E-MAIL [image: IMAGE] IMAGE: ANDREW M. FREEMAN, MD, IS A CARDIOLOGIST AT NATIONAL JEWISH HEALTH. DR. FREEMAN IS IN THE DIVISION OF CARDIOLOGY AND DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE. view more CREDIT: NATIONAL JEWISH HEALTH In a review of existing scientific studies on trendy ketogenic and intermittent fasting diets, researchers at National Jewish Health concluded that these diets do seem to help people lose weight in the short-term, and modest evidence suggests they may contribute to cardiovasc... more »

Fungi in gut linked to higher Alzheimer's risk can be reduced through ketogenic diet

Jonathan Kantrowitz at Health News Report - 21 hours ago
Specific fungi in the gut associated with a higher risk of Alzheimer's disease and found in people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) can be altered in a beneficial manner by eating a modified Mediterranean diet, researchers at Wake Forest School of Medicine have found. The small study is published in the current online edition of the journal *EBioMedicine*. "Our study reveals that unique fungi co-living with bacteria in the gut of patients with MCI can be modulated through a Medite... more »

Not all vegetarian diets are healthy

Jonathan Kantrowitz at Health News Report - 4 days ago
Vegetarian foods are not equally healthy, according to research presented today at ESC Congress 2020. "Our study highlights the variable nutritional quality of plant foods," said author Dr. Matina Kouvari of Harokopio University, Athens, Greece. "This finding was more evident in women. Prior research has shown that women tend to eat more plant-based foods and less animal-based products than men. But our study suggests that this does not guarantee healthier food choices and in turn better health status." Most dietary studies define plant-based diets simply as "vegetarian" or "low in ... more »

Following 'Eatwell Guide' diet could reduce your risk of dying early and lower your environmental footprint

Jonathan Kantrowitz at Health News Report - 6 days ago
The research was led by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, in collaboration with the University of Oxford and funded by the Wellcome Trust. It found that people who adhered to any five or more of the evaluated recommendations set out in the guidelines had an estimated 7% reduction in their mortality risk - based on data from three major UK databases (UK Biobank, EPIC Oxford and the Million Women Study). They also found that the recommendation associated with the largest reduction, when adhered to alone, was the consumption of fruit and vegetables which reduced estimat... more »

Research finds people who eat pasta have better overall quality diets than those who don't

Jonathan Kantrowitz at Health News Report - 6 days ago
NATIONAL PASTA ASSOCIATION SHARE PRINT E-MAIL Washington, DC (August 2020) - Good news for pasta eaters! New research published in *Frontiers in Nutrition* this month, analyzing the diets of adults and children who eat pasta, has revealed good news about one of America's favorite foods. The research found that pasta consumption in both children and adults is associated with a better diet quality and better nutrient intakes than that of those adults and children who do not eat pasta. Furthermore, when evaluating weight parameters, no associations were observed in male adults an... more »

Broccoli and Brussels the most beneficial when it comes to preventing advanced blood vessel disease.

Jonathan Kantrowitz at Health News Report - 1 week ago
New research has shown some of our least favourite vegetables could be the most beneficial when it comes to preventing advanced blood vessel disease. Published in the *British Journal of Nutrition* the research has found higher consumption of cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cabbage, is associated with less extensive blood vessel disease in older women. Using data from a cohort of 684 older Western Australian women recruited in 1998, researchers from ECU's School of Medical and Health Sciences and The University of Western Australia found those with a di... more »

Eat more eggs?

Jonathan Kantrowitz at Health News Report - 1 week ago
Low-carb, high-fat diet effect on older populations UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM SHARE PRINT E-MAIL A new study, published in *Nutrition and Metabolism,* from researchers with the University of Alabama at Birmingham's Nutrition Obesity Research Center observed improvements in body composition, fat distribution and metabolic health in response to an eight-week, very low-carbohydrate diet. Older adults with obesity are at particularly high risk of developing cardiometabolic disease such as Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Rather than total fat mass, deposition of ...more »

A healthy diet may reduce risk of Parkinson's

Jonathan Kantrowitz at Health News Report - 1 week ago
Eating veggies, nuts linked to fewer symptoms that may precede the disease AMERICAN ACADEMY OF NEUROLOGY  While movement problems are the main symptoms of Parkinson's disease, people with the disease often have non-motor symptoms such as constipation, daytime sleepiness and depression 10 or more years before the movement problems start. A new study suggests that eating a healthy diet in middle age may be linked to having fewer of these preceding symptoms. The study is published in the August 19, 2020, online issue of *Neurology®*, the medical jou... more »

High fructose diet in pregnancy impacts metabolism of offspring

Jonathan Kantrowitz at Health News Report - 2 weeks ago
An increased level of fructose intake during pregnancy can cause significant changes in maternal metabolic function and milk composition and alter the metabolism of their offspring, researchers from the University of Otago, Wellington, have found. The research, which was led by Dr Clint Gray, a Research Fellow in the Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, found increasing the fructose in the diets of female guinea pigs led to highly significant and consistent changes in the free fatty acids circulating in the blood of their offspring. This was despite the offspring consuming no... more »

Many new meat alternatives, such as Beyond Meat, have relatively high levels of saturated fat and added sodium

Jonathan Kantrowitz at Health News Report - 3 weeks ago
Swapping out red meat for certain plant-based meat alternatives can improve some cardiovascular risk factors, according to a new study by researchers at Stanford Medicine. The small study was funded by an unrestricted gift from Beyond Meat, which makes plant-based meat alternatives, and used products from the company in comparing the health effects of meat with plant-based alternatives. Beyond Meat was not involved in designing or conducting the study and did not participate in data analysis. It may seem obvious that a patty made of plants is a healthier option than a hamburger. But... more »

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