Saturday, June 12, 2021

Latest Health Research - Diet

Researchers at the University of Sydney's Charles Perkins Centre conducted the largest ever study of nutrient interactions by examining the health of mice on 33 different diets containing various combinations of protein to carbs, and different sources of carbohydrate. They found that a low-protein (10% of dietary energy), high-carbohydrate (70%) diet produced either the healthiest... read more
*Fruits and dark green leafy vegetables (DGLV) are associated with mental well-being.* Exercise could reduce negative association of certain food and mental distress in mature women Women's mental health likely has a higher association with dietary factors than men's, according to new research from Binghamton University, State University of New York. Lina Begdache, assistant professor of health and wellness studies at Binghamton University, had previously published research on diet and mood that suggests that a high-quality diet improves mental health. She wanted to test whethe... read more

 Consuming large amounts of daily caffeine may increase the risk of glaucoma more than three-fold for those with a genetic predisposition to higher eye pressure according to an international, multi-center study. The research led by the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai is the first to demonstrate a dietary - genetic interaction in glaucoma. The study results published in the June print issue of *Ophthalmology* may suggest patients with a strong family history of glaucoma should c... read more

Trying not to overeat? How you eat matters

Study finds people who eat more tend to take larger bites or eat faster According to a new study, people who eat faster or take larger bites are more likely to eat more at a meal. The research, which is being presented at NUTRITION 2021 ... read more

Most Americans are not getting enough fiber in our diets

Just 7% of adults meet fiber recommendations, raising risk of chronic diseases Only 5% of men and 9% of women are getting the recommended daily amount of dietary fiber, according to a study being presented at NUTRITION 2021 LIVE ONLINE. Insufficient fiber intake is ass... read more

Ginger, cinnamon and turmeric linked with cholesterol benefits

Ginger, cinnamon and turmeric have been used in food preparation for centuries and implicated as health-promoting due to their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, but their effects on health and specific diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease need more research. A new study from Clemson University examined how these spices as well as the curcumin and curcuminoid pigments found in turmeric affect cholesterol levels in people with type 2 diabetes. The researchers analyzed 28 studies of randomized controlled trials that included a total of 1049 control patien... read more

Spicing up your diet could help lower blood pressure

A new study shows that adding herbs and spices to your diet may do more than improve the flavor. Researchers from Penn State University and Texas Tech University examined the cardiometabolic effects of incorporating mixed herbs and spices into an average American diet in adults at higher risk for cardiometabolic disease. The study included 71 participants who ate diets with 6.6, 3.3 and 0.5 grams per day of herbs/spices for four weeks. The three study diets did not show any differences in cholesterol or blood sugar levels. However, when the diet with the most herbs and spices -- t... read more

Mangos contain a variety of vitamins, minerals, fiber and unique micronutrients. To better understand the health benefits of this tropical fruit, a study from San Diego State University examined 27 overweight and obese adults who consumed 100 calories of fresh mangos or 100 calories of low-fat cookies daily for 12 weeks. Compared to those who ate the cookies, participants consuming mango showed improvements in certain chronic disease risk factors including fasting glucose levels and inflammation, although cholesterol levels and body weight were not affected. These results suggest ... read more

Diets that promote inflammation could increase breast cancer risk

Analysis of dietary patterns for over 350,000 women suggests eating more anti-inflammatory foods helps lower risk  A new study of more than 350,000 women found that wo... read more

Study compares heart benefits of low-fat and plant-centered diets

New findings suggest that a plant-centered diet could help lower heart disease risk There has been a long-standing debate as to whether a low-fat or a plant-centered diet is better at lowering the risk of cardiova... read more

People who regularly consume milk have a lower risk of heart disease

A dash of milk could make all the difference to a healthy heart as new research from the University of South Australia finds that people who regularly consume milk have a lower risk of heart disease. Conducted in partnership with the University of Reading, the world-first study used a genetic-approach to investigate causal relationships between milk consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease. Assessing genetic biomarkers among 400,000+ people, the study found that greater milk consumption was associated with lower blood cholesterol, lower blood lipid levels, and a lower risk ... read more

Growing evidence fruit may lower type 2 diabetes risk

Research has found eating at least two serves of fruit daily has been linked with 36% lower odds of developing type 2 diabetes Y Eating at least two serves of fruit daily has been linked with 36 percent lower odds of developing type 2 diabetes, a new Edith Cowan University (ECU) study has found. The study, published today in the Journal of *Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism*, revealed that people who ate... read more

Healthy diet before and during pregnancy linked to lower risk of complications, NIH study suggests

A healthy diet around the time of conception through the second trimester may reduce the risk of several common pregnancy complications, suggests a study by researchers at the National Institutes of Health. Expectant women in the study who scored high on any of three measures of healthy eating had lower risks for gestational diabetes, pregnancy-related blood pressure disorders and preterm birth. The study was conducted by Cuilin Zhang, M.D., Ph.D., and colleagues at NIH’s *Eunice Kennedy Shriver* National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). It appears in the *... read more

Potential reversal of epigenetic age using a diet and lifestyle

 groundbreaking clinical trial shows we can reduce biological age (as measured by the Horvath 2013 DNAmAge clock) by more than three years in only eight weeks with diet and lifestyle through balancing DNA methylation. A first-of-its-kind, peer-reviewed study provides s... read more

Waking just one hour earlier cuts depression risk by double digits

Research News Waking up just one hour earlier could reduce a person's risk of major depression by 23%, suggests a sweeping new genetic study published May 26 in the journal *JAMA Psychiatry*. The study of 840,000 people, by researchers at University of Colorado Boulder and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, represents some of the strongest evidence yet that chronotype--a person's propensity to sleep at a certain time --influences depression risk. It's also among the first studies to quantify just how much, or little, change is required to... read more

Numerous Health Benefits Found in Summer-Favorite Watermelon

No summer barbecue is complete without fresh watermelon. As the nation moves towards the summer grilling season, you may want to consider how watermelon's fruit chemistry can affect your overall health. Researchers in the USDA's Agricultural Research Service (ARS) recently identified over 1,500 small molecules of diverse chemical characters in the fruit, known as phytochemicals. They concluded that eating watermelon is an excellent way to increase your intake of antioxidants, non-protein amino acids and lycopene. This means that every time you eat watermelon, you’ll be improving ... read more

 People who eat too many refined carbs and fatty meats for dinner have a higher risk of heart disease than those who eat a similar diet for breakfast, according to a nationwide study published in the Endocrine Society's *Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism*. Cardiovascular diseases like congestive heart failure, heart attack and stroke are the number one cause of death globally, taking an estimated 17.9 million lives each year. Eating lots of saturated fat, processed meats and added sugars can raise your cholesterol and increase yo... read more

Rough night of sleep? Relying on caffeine to get you through the day isn't always the answer, says a new study from Michigan State University. Researchers from MSU's Sleep and Learning Lab, led by psychology associate professor Kimberly Fenn, assessed how effective caffeine was in counteracting the negative effects of sleep deprivation on cognition. As it turns out, caffeine can only get you so far. The study -- published in the most recent edition of *Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition* -- assessed the impact of caffeine after a night of sleep depr... read more

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