Saturday, June 12, 2021

Latest Health Research - General Health, Pregnancy, Sleep, Aging, Exercise, Medicine and Supplements

General Health

Investing in an HEPA air purifier might not be a bad idea

As COVID-19 restrictions ease nationwide and more people host indoor gatherings, investing in a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) purifier might not be a bad idea, says a University of Cincinnati Coll... read more

New study suggests importance of maintaining healthy lifestyle even after age 80 P A new analysis of adults aged 80 years and older shows that a healthier lifestyle is associated with a lower risk of cognitive impairment, and that this link does not depend on whether a person carries a particular form of the gene APOE. Xurui Jin of Duke Kunshan University in Jiangsu, China, and colleagues present these findings in the open-access journal *PLOS Medicine* . The APOE gene comes in several different forms, and people with a form known as AP... read more

Potential reversal of epigenetic age using a diet and lifestyle

Groundbreaking clinical trial shows we can reduce biological age (as measured by the Horvath 2013 DNAmAge clock) by more than three years in only eight weeks with diet and lifestyle through balancing DNA methylation. A first-of-its-kind, peer-reviewed study provides s... read more


Aerobic exercise helps cognitive function in older adults

Study conducted on older adults with familial and genetic risk for Alzheimer's disease Increasing evidence shows that physical activity and exercise training may delay or prevent the onset of Alzheimer's disease (AD). In aging humans, aerobic exercise training increases gray and white... read more

Maintaining a healthy brain is another good reason people can take action on diet, blood pressure, exercise, alcohol, social interaction and more \ A new Alzheimer's disease drug will hit the market soon, the first in nearly two decades. But some experts say the evidence for it isn't terribly strong and worry that it may cost a lot. Still, the announcement of its approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration made headlines nationwide. The attention reflects the toll dementia takes on patients, fa... read more

Men aged 65 and over should monitor their sleep patterns and seek medical advice after a warning from Flinders University experts that disrupted slumber can be linked to cognitive dysfunction. In a new article published in the *Journal of Sleep Research*, the Adelaide Institute for Sleep Health research group studied a group of 477 middle-aged and older men's attention and processing speed in relation to their sleep. The participants from the Florey Adelaide Male Ageing Study undertook cognitive testing and a successful sleep study. "Less dee... read more

Amazon indigenous group's lifestyle may hold a key to slowing down aging

Tsimane people are unique for their healthy brains that age more slowly  A team of international researchers has found that the Tsimane indigenous people of the Bolivian Amazon experience less brain atrophy than their American and European peers. The decrease in their brain volumes with age is 70% slower than in Western populations. Accelerated brain volume loss can be a sign of dementia. The study was published May 26, 2... read more


Music listening near bedtime disruptive to sleep

Most people listen to music throughout their day and often near bedtime to wind down. But can that actually cause your sleep to suffer? When sleep researcher Michael Scullin, Ph.D., associate professor of psychology and neuroscience at Baylor University, realized he was waking in the middle of the night with a song stuck in his head, he saw an opportunity to study how music -- and particularly stuck songs -- might affect sleep patterns. Scullin's recent study, published in *Psychological Science,* investigated the relationship between music listening and sleep, focus... read more

Defying body clock linked to depression and lower wellbeing

People whose sleep pattern goes against their natural body clock are more likely to have depression and lower levels of wellbeing, according to a large-scale new study. Research led by the University of Exeter, published in *Molecular Psychiatry*, also found the most robust evidence to date that being genetically programmed to be an early riser is protective against major depression, and improves wellbeing. Researchers suggest this may be because society is set up to be more aligned to early risers, through the standard 9-5 working pattern. COVID-19 has led to more flexible work... read more

Medicine and

Ginger, cinnamon and turmeric have been used in food preparation for centuries and implicated as health-promoting due to their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, but their effects on health and specific diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease need more research. A new study from Clemson University examined how these spices as well as the curcumin and curcuminoid pigments found in turmeric affect cholesterol levels in people with type 2 diabetes. The researchers analyzed 28 studies of randomized controlled trials that included a total of 1049 control patien... read more

You may know someone who has been unable to get pregnant due to infertility issues. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 12 percent of women aged 15 to 44 in the United States have difficulty becoming pregnant or carrying a pregnancy to term. "Fertility” Products Prey on Vulnerability Marketers are targeting this population by pitching dietary supplements that make unproven claims to cure, treat, mitigate, or prevent infertility and other reproductive health conditions. Some women may have had difficulties conceiving or have underlying health conditio... read more


The latest science on staying healthy during pregnancy

New research examines prenatal supplements, how eating patterns affect sleep, physical activity while pregnant and more .
Four new studies being presented at NUTRITION 2021 LIVE ONLINElook at how supplements, eating habits and physical activ... read more

A healthy diet around the time of conception through the second trimester may reduce the risk of several common pregnancy complications, suggests a study by researchers at the National Institutes of Health. Expectant women in the study who scored high on any of three measures of healthy eating had lower risks for gestational diabetes, pregnancy-related blood pressure disorders and preterm birth. The study was conducted by Cuilin Zhang, M.D., Ph.D., and colleagues at NIH’s *Eunice Kennedy Shriver* National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). It appears in the *... read more

Prenatal exposure to paracetamol associated with ADHD and autism symptoms in childhood

ISGlobal study of more than 70,000 European children bolsters the findings of previous research An epidemiological study of more than 70,000 children in six European cohorts has linked symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum conditions (ASC) to the mothers' use of paracetamol (acetaminophen) during pregnancy. The study, published in the *European Journal of Epidemiology*, was led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), a centre supporte... read more


High-intensity strength and impact training attenuates skeletal aging

The tibial bone properties of middle-aged and older male sprint athletes were followed over 10 years Regular strength and impact-type training may decrease or even prevent age-related bone deterioration in men, new research at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, ... read more

'Prescription' to sit less, move more advised for mildly high blood pressure & cholesterol

American Heart Association scientific statement - A "prescription" to sit less and move more is the optimal first treatment choice for reducing mild to moderately elevated blood pressure and blood cholesterol in otherwise healthy adults, according to the new American Heart Association scientific statement published today in the American Heart Association's journal *Hypertension*. "The current American Heart Association guidelines for diagnosing high blood pressure and cholesterol recognize th... read more

A new study shows that tai chi mirrors the beneficial effects of conventional exercise by reducing waist circumference in middle-aged and older adults with central obesity. The study was done by investigators at the University of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Chinese Academy of Sciences; and UCLA. BACKGROUND Central obesity is a major manifestation of metabolic syndrome, broadly defined as a cluster of cardiometabolic risk factors,... read more
Research News Waking up just one hour earlier could reduce a person's risk of major depression by 23%, suggests a sweeping new genetic study published May 26 in the journal *JAMA Psychiatry*. The study of 840,000 people, by researchers at University of Colorado Boulder and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, represents some of the strongest evidence yet that chronotype--a person's propensity to sleep at a certain time --influences depression risk. It's also among the first studies to quantify just how much, or little, change is required to... read more

The use of accelerometers enables researchers to provide the most objective evidence to date of the link between physical activity and atrial fibrillation.  - Physical activity that conforms to medical and health association guidelines is associated with a lower risk of atrial fibrillation (Afib) and stroke, according to a study by researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), who analyzed nearly 100,000 individuals equipped with wrist-worn accelerometers to measure their movement. The researchers'... read more

Slow walkers are almost four times more likely to die from COVID-19, and have over twice the risk of contracting a severe version of the virus, according to a team of researchers from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Leicester Biomedical Research Centre led by Professor Tom Yates at the University of Leicester. The study of 412,596 middle-aged UK Biobank participants examined the relative association of body mass index (BMI) and self-reported walking pace with the risk of contracting severe COVID-19 and COVID-19 mortality. The analysis found slow walkers of a nor... read more

Taking more steps daily may lead to a longer life

Taking more steps per day, either all at once or in shorter spurts, may help you live longer, according to preliminary research to be presented at the American Heart Association's Epidemiology, Prevention, Lifestyle & Cardiometabolic Health Conference 2021. The meeting is virtual, May 20-21, and offers the latest science on population-based health and wellness and implications for lifestyle. Walking is one of the safest and easiest ways to improve fitness and health including heart health. The American Heart Association's fitness guidelines for adults recommend at least 150 minut... read more

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